The 4th Annual Meeting marks a significant milestone for the Iberian Chapter, with a new Executive Committee. Symbolically, the venue reflects the common ground of our community, as we move forward: functional since 2015, i3S (Institute for Research and Innovation in Health) brings under the same roof three major research institutes in Porto - INEB, IPATIMUP (both founded in 1989), and IBMC (1997) - congregating different disciplines, skills and expertise towards the common goal of designing a healthier future.
To keep our spins aligned, we have prepared an exciting 2-day scientific program. Three plenary lectures will feature leading experts in clinical, preclinical, and computational MRI. In addition, two oral sessions and two poster sessions will showcase the latest research findings in our community, with industry pitches highlighting the latest technological innovations in the field.
More info and registration at https://www.i3s.up.pt/event.php?v=303
NOTA: evento da responsabilidade de entidade externa à ATARP